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Evidence of alignment

I have been focusing lately on my state of being and bringing myself into the vortex as "Esterham" calls it, as often as I can.

I'm embarking on a new chapter of my life. with an epic move coming up in a few days. Which will be a fresh start, and relief, but also a celebration.

It's late, but I was inspired to get some words down. I picked up my phone to check the time, and it was 11:11...

It made me laugh. Some people seek out this type of syncrnisity as the true sign that the universe has their back. As if these experiences are the gifts. In a way, they are. But they aren't the prize.

I also saw a shoe on the side of the freeway on my way home today, which also got a little chuckle out of me, as it reminded me of an Abraham moment where someone expressed this sign as their synchronized artifact.

And shortly after that, I was driving around looking for moving boxes at the liquor store and around the neighborhood. I was on the phone with my sister... talking about Abraham Hicks and also how I really didn't want to buy moving boxes and that ireally didn't want to drive to a friends house 30 min away to pick up the boxes she said she had for me. After about 20 min. I finally gave in... not up but in.... I decided to head home and just start packing the kitchen with the boxes I had and worry about the rest later.

I walked through the front door, still onthe phone with my sister, and found the boxes my friend said she had for me, sitting in my living room.

I can only assume my friend dropped them off while i was at work, but I couldn't help but think of Schrodinger's cat...

All of these things may seem trivial, or simply coincidental, however lately so many things have been too easily falling into perfect place- which I will get into in a later post to get everyone caught up, but in the meantime, I'll just get to the punchline:

Let go! Let go of the leash....

Ok I'll explain. Have you ever had a ball crazy hyperenthusiastic dog ?!.... ya know like when you throw an imaginary ball and the dog wants to fetch so bad that it believes you actually threw it and takes off to go get it, but you're still holding the leash.

Well imagine your ball crazy pootch is the universe, and that imaginary ball is the thing you desire no matter how big or small.  What if you could throw an imaginary ball, and your dog could bring you back a real ball, or desired thing.

If you had absolute faith in your pooches ball fetching abilities, wouldn't you start throwing imaginary balls in every direction?!
Well, if you want you trust drooling bestie to deliver.... you need to let go of the leash.

Tonight, I let go. I didn't give up on the boxes, I gave in to the enthusiasm of the dog. I was satisfied with the boxes I already had, and stopped worrying about how to get more... and poof...   exactly what I needed magically arrived in my living room.

Ok well not totally magic, my friend has my keycode to my front door.

I hope to keep this blog going as a diary and journal of the ways I am teaching myself to Unleash the Universe.
